Best Practices for Virtual Foundation Board Meetings
Tips for how foundations can hold engaging and effective virtual board meetings.
4 Development Activities to Do Now for Future Payoff
Steps that development officers can take now to more successfully fundraise from donors later.
3 Best Practices for Remote Disaster Grantmaking Response
In response to COVID-19, the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America state that everyone should work or engage in schooling from [...]
6 Tips for Managing a Virtual Workforce
For some, the current situation may be the first time that the team has tried to accomplish their work when they are not sharing a common space (or time). Here are some quick tips to help navigate this remote/virtual world.
The Benefits of Having Digitally Savvy Board – for Museums & Nonprofits Too!
Museums and other arts and cultural organizations need board members who will advance digital innovation and transform museums into truly modern organizations that are prepared to face today’s world.
5 Tips for Grant-Gazing: How to Determine Whether It’s a Star or a Black Hole
When determining whether or not a grant is worth pursuing, it’s important not lose focus on your primary objectives - both strategic and operational.
What Are Admin Expenses?
Employee salaries, purchasing office supplies, and paying the electric bill so the lights keep working are all examples of the admin costs.
Project Management Tips: Timeline
By: Jett Winders, Program Manager, Charity Dynamics In our first post on project management, we identified seven characteristics of a winning [...]
What Makes an IT Project Successful? Nonprofit Edition, Part Two
What makes an IT project at a nonprofit organization successful?
Pajama Parties? Three Rules for Running Virtual Meetings
In my last blog post “I Get to Work in My Pajamas,” I got a ton of great comments and [...]