Before facebook… there was Friends Asking Friends
In 1999, an idea based on online greeting cards changed peer-to-peer fundraising forever. Do you ever wonder where you’d be [...]
Canada’s Most Generous Online Cities
Our third annual ranking of the Most Generous Cites in the US for Online Giving to charity sparked a number of [...]
What Makes Canadians Tick and Give
When I lived in the US for nearly six years, it was usually subtle things—like the pronunciation of ‘about’ or [...]
The Most Charitable Time of the Year
Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, the same US consumers clamoring for the best deal on a flat-screen [...]
Following the #convio10 hashtag is almost like being in every session at the 2010 Convio Summit. [...]
10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan
10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan from Convio, PayPal and the ASPCA [...]
Single Channel Communication is Dead
Direct mail is dead. Email is dead. TV and radio are dead. Face to face is dead. Telegraph is dead. [...]
From 10NTC: 7 Key Lessons for Integrated Multichannel Fundraising
Multichannel is the word du jour during the NTC conference in Atlanta @10NTC, but what considerations should nonprofits make before [...]
Convio Nonprofit Benchmarks Are Ready
Get the 2009 report of of nonprofit giving benchmark and see how your organization stacks up. [...]
Does Gender or Generation Matter More?
With “The Next Generation of American Giving,” we’ve been asked why we did not include any breakdowns by gender? The answer is best summed up by there are not a lot of big gender differences. [...]